Game Night

The gamenight was a full success. From cards against humanity, murder, werewolf, journey to Jerusalem, meme it and the classic ABCgame up to fun theatre and improv-games to the game of activity, there was something for everyone. Even after the exhausting day, almost everyone got their energy back and let it out dancing in front of the Astra and at the latest while playing Hua, wich, I’m sure, everyone now knows how to play by now. Journey to Jerusalem was incredibly popular- it was played twice so that everyone could participate. Cards against humanity let out the dark sided humour of the people playing it- but nevertheless lots of laughter has been heard from that corner. The group of theatre-appassionates that played the improv-games was small but so amazing, and we had the biggest fun. (DO FAHLEN NO BERICHTE VA DIE ONDEREN SPIELE, I HON DI LEIT LEI NO NET GFUNDEN)

Thanks to all of you who participated with such enthusiasm and made the game such a fun experience! :D


Der Rucksack


Das Heim der Hoffnung